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  • Title: Echoes
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.5
  • Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror
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Summary Echoes

As pieces begin to click into place for the Locke siblings, Ellie opens up about her connection to Dodge, and the Locke children comes clean to their friends.

How Ellie has been involved with the Lockes since they moved into Key House is revealed. Kinsey and Tyler tell their friends about the magic, and Kinsey's fear monster attacks Eden. Lucas searches for the Shadow Key, while Ellie reveals what happened to Rendell and his friends in the past when they accidentally released Dodge.

Synopsis Echoes

Six Months Ago

Ellie gets her sports team off of the bus from an away meet when a text from a woman asks if she went to school with Rendell, accompanied by an article about his murder in Seattle. A photo of Sam shows the Omega symbol tattooed on his wrist. Ellie makes a call to Mark, saying that Rendell has been murdered and blaming herself. She wonders what they're going to do, and Mark says that he knows what he has to do. Mark then kills himself with the Matchstick Key.

Three Months Ago

Ellie and Rufus have dinner and talk about the Lockes moving into Key House. "Lucas" arrives at the door and Ellie stares at him in shock. He takes her hand and says that he needs her help.

The next day, Ellie lets herself into Key House and confirms that no one is there. She goes to Rendell's old basement room and searches till she finds a metal crown hidden above a heating duct. Nina and Bode return home. Ellie hears them and puts the crown in her bag, bumping into a chandelier as she puts everything back in place. Nina hears the noise from the basement and closes and locks the open door. Ellie knocks at the door and identifies herself. Nina lets her out, and Ellie claims she came just to get Rufus' action figure that he left behind.

When she returns to her home, Ellie gives Lucas the Crown but not the Shadow Key, which she didn't find. Lucas tells her she has to go back and get it or the Crown is useless. Ellie wonders why he wants it and where he keeps disappearing to. Hearing a camera taking a picture, they turn. Joe, at the door, has seen them and taken a picture on his cell phone. Joe walks away. Ellie will go talk to him, but Lucas says he has a better idea.

Joe returns home and calls Nina, leaving a voice mail saying he has something he needs to show her because he can't explain it. He finds Lucas and Ellie waiting for him inside. Ellie tells him to hand over his cell phone and they'll leave; Joe stares at Lucas in shock, stating that he died twenty-five years ago. Ellie begs for his phone and finally gets it, but Joe demands answers. Lucas says that he can't go because he recalls Joe as a talker. Despite Ellie's protests, Lucas smothers Joe with a plastic garbage bag.

Afterward, Lucas props Joe up at his desk to make his death look like a suicide. Ellie sees Nina pull up outside, and Lucas calmly leaves using the Anywhere Key, cruelly leaving Ellie behind on her own. Ellie hides as Nina comes in through the open front door. Nina phones Joe, and his phone rings in Ellie's hand. She quickly turns it off, but it's rung twice; Nina hears it and enters. She finds Joe's body and calls 911. In tears, Ellie leaves and runs home.

At home, Ellie takes a gun from a box in her bedroom then finds Lucas calmly reading a magazine. As he remarks about her taking so long, she shoots him until all cylinders are empty. He comes back to life, chuckles, then tells her she knows she can't kill an echo - he's already dead - and advances on her, saying he'll rip off Rufus' head if she doesn't help him. Lucas says she should be happy that they're together again - and so close to having everything that they need.

Present Day

Tyler looks at Duncan's memory of Rendell killing Lucas and asks Kinsey how it's possible that Lucas and Dodge are the same person. Kinsey only figures that Dodge will now come for the Omega Key, and Tyler assures her that it's hidden in the safest place in the house.

Bode comes in with the Matchstick Key, figuring Sam dropped it outside, and notices the memory jar. Kinsey and Tyler shove Bode out of the room, and he reminds them that they only know about the Keys because he shared the Keys with them. He tells them that they don't need to protect him and asks them to let him help - even Rendell had called him "discerning for his age."

Point taken, Tyler and Kinsey have Bode back in and show him the memory, where Bode, recognizing Lucas, says he's staying at the Whedon house as Rufus' cousin, and figures that Rufus is scared of Lucas. Tyler wonders why Dodge would use the Identity Key to make herself look like Lucas.

At the Whedon house, Lucas eats breakfast and confirms with Ellie that Rendell's body was cremated. Lucas figures that the Omega Key is in the ashes if it was in Rendell's head, and Ellie is shocked that Lucas is going to go digging around in Rendell's ashes. The demon calmly tells Ellie that she's the one that's going to do the digging.

Kinsey comes down to the foyer and finds Nina staring at the urn with Rendell's ashes. Now off the sauce, Nina says she's feeling more like herself but feels like something happened to Rendell's urn. Nope, claims Kinsey, nothing happened, and her mother apologizes for drinking. Her daughter assures her that she doesn't have to apologize anymore and says that they're moving forward. Tyler comes down and asks if Kinsey is ready to ride with him to the academy. Kinsey leaves with her brother and Nina turns back to smile at the urn.

Bode rides his bike to the Whedon house and tells Rufus that he's skipped school. Once he confirms that Ellie and Lucas aren't there, he informs Rufus that Lucas is their mutual enemy and explains how Lucas used to be Echo. Bode figures that Lucas is something bad and the reason Sam killed Rendell.

Rufus gets out the Crown and tells Bode that Lucas made Ellie steal it from Key House. He explains that there's a Key needed to use it but Ellie couldn't find it, and Bode vaguely remembers seeing the design of the keyhole on the Crown somewhere. Rufus refuses to let Bode touch the Crown, warning that Lucas could return at any time. He puts the Crown back and tells Bode he should leave, but Bode tells him that they're fellow soldiers and will fight Lucas together. Since Bode sometimes hears the Keys whisper, he'll find the Key and then use the Crown against Lucas/Dodge.

Eden looks out the window of her dorm room to find Kinsey's fear monster glaring back. When Jackie rushes in to check on her friend, the monster has slipped away.

Eden finds Kinsey at school and angrily accuses her of being pathetic, figuring that Kinsey and her "Santorini" Squad tried to frighten her. As Eden storms away, Kinsey spots Ellie exiting the building and follows after.

Outside, she tells Ellie that she knows about the Keys and Lucas, explaining that Bode saw Lucas when he was at the Whedon house. Ellie pronounces this encounter inappropriate and tries to walk away, but Kinsey insists she won't let Ellie lie to her anymore and asks why Ellie is helping Lucas. The older woman explains that she doesn't have a choice, insisting she's doing what she has to for her family, telling Kinsey she should do the same, then walks off.

Nina gets out her hidden bottle of Wheeler Sisters gin and pours the contents down the sink.

Eden has told Jackie and Logan that she's sure the frightening figure at her window was Kinsey, at least a 4:00AM after an all-night kegger version with bloodshot eyes and gross hair.

Kinsey tells Tyler that Ellie confirmed keeping Lucas in her home, and Tyler suggests that they should bring their friends into the secret since Dodge and his otherworldly shit is too powerful for the two of them. Backed by Jackie and Logan, Eden approaches angrily and pronounces Kinsey as not so scary without her makeup and claws. Kinsey realizes what scared Eden, and the fear monster itself appears and attacks Eden. Logan and Kinsey, backed by Tyler and Jackie, grab lacrosse poles and drive the monster off into the woods.

Ellie drives to Key House and peers through the window, spotting the urn, then returns home and starts to pack. Rufus asks what she's doing, and Ellie says that they're leaving town because it isn't safe: Lucas wants her to do something she won't do and the Locke kids are asking questions. Rufus tells her about Bode's visit and how he's going to find the Key to the Crown. Rufus insists that he broke his promise because he and Ellie need reinforcements. Ellie assures him that it's okay and hugs her son. Rufus shows her the Keys under a loose floorboard where Dodge stashes them and assures Ellie that he hasn't shown anyone else.

At the academy, Tyler has informed Jackie and Logan about the Keys, about Dodge, about Ellie's involvement, and about the Black Door. Logan dubiously asks Tyler for proof, and Tyler uses the Matchstick Key to set a book's pages on fire. Shocked, Logan's convinced, and Jackie goes to check on Eden.

Eden is with the school nurse, claiming a feral cat attacked her. Kinsey is there too, and as the nurse steps out for more gauze, Eden demands an explanation. When Kinsey won't explain, Eden says it was like a monster but insane. Kinsey explains that the monster is her fear that got outside of her head, attacking anything she's afraid of. She admits that Eden intimidates her, but owns that it's entirely her fault. Despite that, Eden is flattered.

Tyler catches up with Jackie and asks if she's okay. She's not. She says it's a lot to take in and tells Tyler that she needs a minute. She walks off. Kinsey sees her and figures Tyler told her. Kinsey reports that Eden took the news surprisingly well. Scot and Gabe approach, and Tyler quickly excuses himself. Kinsey reports that Eden is okay, then dispels the feral cat explanation by saying she used one of the Keys to take the fear out of her head. Everything was great for a while, then things got messed up and she didn't worry about the consequences of getting close to Gabe while she already had a thing going with Scot. She assures them that they're both amazing and doesn't want to choose one of them over the other. Considering this, Kinsey suggests she dates them both. Before Scot and Gabe can respond to this awkward idea, she gets a call from Ellie who asks to meet Kinsey at Key House after considering what Kinsey said earlier.

Nina drives to the church for the 6:00PM meeting of Friends of Bill W. and runs into Matuku outside. She says she considered going to the meeting but figured she wasn't in the right place, and Matuku invites her to have coffee with him instead. After a moment, Nina accepts.

That night at Key House, Ellie meets with the Locke kids and Rufus and tells them she was doing what she thought was best for her son. She says she's done being afraid of Lucas. "Dodge" was Ellie's nickname for Lucas when they were together in high school and he was on the fencing team. Now that name has a completely different meaning. Ellie explains that the night after graduation they had a sleepover in the basement. Rendell wanted to go down to the caves and check out the Black Door he had found.

Ellie explains that they found a way to remember the magic even when they became adults (but doesn't give details). Rendell opened the Black Door and things like glowing bullets shot out from the other side. One of them hit Lucas, and he and Rendell managed to close the door. Lucas said he was fine, and seemed fine, but... Ellie decides to use the Head Key to show them her memory of what happened.

Head Key Ellie takes Tyler and Kinsey into her head and leads them to memories of the basement. Ellie explains that the group returned from the sea caves and tried to get some sleep. Before them, young Lucas tells young Mark to give him the Omega Key, and the others wake up. When Lucas grabs Mark, the others attack him and Lucas kills Kimi (accidentally) and Jeff (deliberately). Before Lucas can kill Erin, Rendell knocks Lucas down and beats him to death. Young Duncan saw what happened, so they removed his memories and hid them in the tree. Ellie figures a demon from the other side attached itself to Lucas.

The surviving group members came up with a story of Lucas, Kimi and Jeff dying in the sea caves, since it was easier than explaining the truth. They claimed the bodies were washed out to sea, after tossing the bodies into the ocean themselves. The survivors then divvied up the Keys and made a pact to protect them and never use them again. Rendell took the Anywhere and Omega Keys, Erin the Head Key, and Mark the Matchstick Key while hiding the rest in Key House as he was the most trustworthy. Mark killed himself so no one could get inside his head and find where he hid the Keys. Ellie took the Identity Key and the Echo Key. The Echo Key can bring people back, but not the way she originally thought.

As Bode and Rufus watch over Ellie's body, Rufus suggests they set traps in case Lucas shows up. Bode figures they should use the Key ring, and gets it from a kitchen drawer. It has the same design on it as the Crown, and he realizes it's the Shadow Key.

Ellie tells Tyler and Kinsey that she couldn't let go of the memory of Lucas.

A Year Ago

Ellie goes to the well house and uses the Echo Key to resurrect Lucas. She missed him so much she had to bring him back. Lucas appears behind her and asks for any other Keys; Ellie gives him the Identity Key. Ellie knows Lucas can't leave the well house. He tells her to get the Anywhere Key from Rendell so that he can leave. When Lucas snaps at her to get it, Ellie stares at him in shock, whereby Lucas controls his anger and claims he's merely frustrated at wanting to get out and be with her.


Ellie tells Kinsey and Tyler that the thing was an echo of Dodge, not Lucas, because Dodge was possessing Lucas when he died. She says that it's all her fault for breaking the pact. They leave Ellie's head and she removes the Head Key from her neck. As Rufus picks up the Head Key, Ellie explains that Dodge can use the Identity Key to transform into any form s/he thinks will be most useful. She says that the demon can be trapped in the well house but not killed, but the trick is getting it in there.

Bode tells them they have a way and shows them the key ring that is also the Key for the Crown of Shadows. Ellie explains that whoever wears the Crown can control powerful shadows that obey the wearer's commands... like force Dodge into the well house. Ellie and Rufus head for their house to fetch the Crown.

When Ellie and Rufus arrive at their home, Ellie gets the bag with the Crown. Lucas, waiting for them in the shadows, asks what Ellie has and knows someone's touched his hidden Keys. Ellie, unintentionally revealing it was Rufus, says that she took the Head Key and tried to find the Omega Key in the ashes, but it wasn't there. While Ellie claims that the Locke children must have found the Omega Key, Rufus picks up a screwdriver from his workbench.

Ellie claims that the children weren't home but she can try again tomorrow, and Lucas angrily tells her to stop lying. Rufus attacks Lucas, who easily knocks him down. Lucas grabs Ellie and finds the Shadow Key in her pocket, then releases her. She goes to Rufus. Lucas takes the Crown from the bag, attaches the Shadow Key to it, and puts the Crown on. The shadows come to life and Lucas greets them. Ellie stares at him in horror.


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